In a significant shake-up for the reality television landscape, Bravo announced on November 26, 2024, that “Vanderpump Rules” will return for its 12th season with an entirely new cast, retaining only its namesake, Lisa Vanderpump. This decision marks a return to the show’s original concept, which focuses on the lives of employees at Vanderpump’s West Hollywood restaurant, SUR.
While Bravo did not elaborate on the reasons behind this complete recasting, they indicated that details regarding the new cast would be revealed later, with production set to commence in the coming year. The show has been known for its dramatic storylines, including infidelity scandals and shifting loyalties among cast members. Recent seasons have garnered heightened attention due to the scandal known as “Scandoval,” which involved Tom Sandoval’s affair with Rachel “Raquel” Leviss while he was in a long-term relationship with fellow cast member Ariana Madix.
Additionally, Tom Schwartz and Tom Sandoval are set to appear in the second season of “The Valley,” a spin-off that features former “Vanderpump” star Kristen Doute. This spinoff is scheduled to air next year and continues to explore the dynamics among former cast members.
As Bravo prepares for this new chapter in the franchise’s history, they also plan to air a retrospective of the original series in 2025, celebrating its impact on reality television and pop culture.
For further details and updates on this evolving story, visit AP News.